Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rosie and Elizabeth in a Smackdown

And Rosie chooses to not come to work the next day!? She can dish it out, but she can't take people going back at her. Rosie gets smacked, details and transcript at NewsBusters.

Rosie doesn't want to discuss things because she thinks people paint her as a bully. Well, she is a loud bully.

Rosie steel metals with fire, our military aren't terrorists and you are stupid.

Again, many thanks to Rides a Pale Horse for the graphics

Monday, May 21, 2007

Leonardo the Brain

Leonardo DiCaprio has been making the rounds promoting his new movie. His apoplectic apocalyptic anthem to global warming panic mongers is near and dear to his heart. In his press junket for 11th Hour DiCaprio claims that he has the experts speak in the film and they are the voices that should be heard. Of course, DiCaprio claims a writing credit for this film perhaps he helped provide the context of those voices. He doesn't bother with the thousands of experts that counter his claims of doom.

In discussing his message to the press he derided the critics of his beloved Al Gore, "Don't shoot the messenger", he said. "This person is trying to relay a message to the public and the way that he travels should not be splayed out like that."

DiCaprio wants the riff-raff to listen to him tell them how to live. He has made millions pretending to be someone else, he has someone write words for him to speak, write words to describe how he is supposed to feel, look or emote. He has no formal schooling other than to learn how to be someone else. His school accomplishments are to have graduated from high school, but he feels you should be worried about the planet. His new movie is about making you change your behavior.

It is rather humorous that an honors high school student presented a devastating critique of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" called Ponder the Maunder. This high school student has shown what many celebrities are lacking-- brains, thoughtfulness, and critical thinking. She doesn't rely on celebrity or fear, she presents facts. Perhaps DiCaprio should consider going to school and stop playing pretend if he wants people to take him seriously.
Leo shows how big is brain is and how much he can understand when scientists use big words.

Global warming is really important to Leonardo, he wants you to walk to work, while he flies in private jets and spends untold millions in developing another movie to manipulate you into changing your carbon producing ways. Oh, by the way you are NOT invited to spend any time on his private 1.75 million dollar island.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Birdbrain Rosie is back to normal

Rosie has once again shown her towering intellect on this week's The View, View Transcript. She was quiet for about a week there.

Sadly she seems to equate money with brains, she does of course join some of those intellectual giants like Barbra Steisand, Charlie Sheen, and other Hollywood brains. These people who repeat other's words, pretend to be other people, pretend to be something they are not; suddenly think that they know more than scientists who study these subjects. Like when Meryl Streep testified before Congress about Alar, she played a farmer's wife in some movie or play.

At least Elizabeth Hasselbeck tried to counter Rosie's idiocy. However, Rosie announced that she didn't know where Elizabeth got her information but it wasn't factual. On The View's website Rosie has no email contact where the other co-hosts have email contacts View Bio page for Rosie. So viewers can't even send Rosie factual information, of course she wouldn't want to get any facts confused with her misinformation.

Birdbrain Rosie is an embarrassment to the human race, women and even lesbians.

Monday, May 7, 2007

A Parting Shot at Rosie

Rosie O'Donnell isn't as worried about being green as she is about being a leader of the hate President Bush, hate America cheerleaders. In her quest to join The Truthers she has decided that her true feelings and motivations can come out. We won't miss her big, loud mouth from The View, we will however enjoy not hearing the inane ramblings of a college drop out explaining that fire can't melt steel and that Al Qeda didn't attack us on 9/11.

CBS and NBC are supposedly falling over themselves to offer this vile woman a TV show of her own. Train wrecks always allow gawkers to assemble. Perhaps that is the desire of NBC and CBS, to have the next celebrity nutcase self-destruct on national TV.

Her insult to the troops last week was truly vile. Claiming that they were uneducated and had a higher incidence of felony convictions than the population at large was wrong. Of course Rosie has no interest in or need for facts. In her world feelings and volume make up for facts and logic.

Rosie's allegiance is on display for all to see.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Single Sheet Sheryl is talking again...

Today Single Sheet Sheryl opened her mouth again to tell the world what a ditzy airhead she is. Her cause is close to her heart, not close enough to stop driving 3 tractor trailer rigs and 4 buses and 7 cars to all her concerts, but close to her heart to stop YOU from driving your car or turning on the light in YOUR house to read a book. She apparently thinks it is okay for you to use electricity to listen to her music though!!

According to One Square Crow she was joking about the toilet paper (Yahoo Direct link to Huffpo Entry by Crow ) but the planet is in big trouble. She complains that she was slapped for her foray into saving the earth and that it is too politicized. She complains that she was misunderstood and made fun of.

No, the truth is that Sheryl Crow is a hypocrite, she calls for changes in other's behavior yet she makes only the most modest change and claims that she isn't perfect. When Sheryl TP Crow goes back to walking to work, not using electricity, stops using rare wood species in her guitars perhaps we can listen to her. In the mean time she and Laurie David will continue to be hypocrites and not worth listening to. These two uneducated, yet passionate fools want to change the behavior of the world, "Perhaps we have lost our sense of who we were born to be and instead, are numbed out beyond recognition by the ceaseless chatter that is the soundtrack to our lives."

As one who had added to the chattering soundtrack Crow doesn't seem to understand she is one of the causes of the problem. Here are Single Sheet Sheryl's Backstage Demands.

Sheryl is a joke and she wants people to stop laughing at her. To quote Michelle Malkin, " Boo Freaking Hoo"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Matt Lauer Give Back Your Money

Matt Lauer has never been known for his intellectual ability or thought-provoking analysis, however today he did show that he is a typical hypocritical celebrity. In pitching a report about widening gap between rich and poor here, Matt said, "Do you feel like you're working harder and harder these days just to stay financially afloat while fat cats get richer and richer?"

Matt Lauer should know about the gap between the rich and poor, he is paid $13 million a year to sit on a couch and yak it up and laugh. Once a year he does the "Where in the world is Matt Lauer" schtick, but he is an over-paid lump.

I don't see Matt lining up to give his money away or agree to a pay cut to help employ more people. No, Matt thinks he is worth $13 million a year. However, Matt isn't creating jobs for other people but he criticizes those that do.

When rich people complain about other rich people making more money it seems more related to envy than anything else.

The continually getting richer Matt Lauer could probably use some of that money for hair plugs, but again it is just on him.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Michael Ramirez expresses our feelings about Sheryl

Michael Ramirez is a nationally recognized political cartoonist. He is a regular contributor at

Michaels Cartoon:

Here is a link to this cartoon Ramirez @ Townhall

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Carry Crow Protection

Make sure if you find yourself near the vicinity of Single Sheet Sheryl that you have at least one of these in your pocket.

One Square Crow hasn't managed to convince very many people that she was joking.

A new cottage industry has been born! You can sell wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer outside of Single Sheet Crow's concerts. Her fan club might be upset, but if you check their pockets and purses, they too probably have a secret stash.

Single Sheet Sheryl says...

It was all a joke. She is happy that people are talking about global warming, but it was all a joke about using only One Sheet to save the planet.. For the really suspicious you can read her comments at the Puffington Host ( It was a Joke, don't laugh at me. Please buy my music. )

Jokes on late night television, commented laughingly on news programs all day,the topic of many talk-radio hosts, and the laugh in offices all over the world on Monday, now Single Sheet Sheryl says it was all a joke. Luckily most of us know better. The hypocritical Crow is trying to put the toilet paper back on the roll now and hopes no one notices that she was the butt of jokes for an entire news cycle.

Her music will forever be tainted by malodorous comments she made. One Square Crow is concerned about the environment that all those little people are destroying (please don't look behind the curtain at the buses, trucks, and cars she needs).

Funny how it was serious until people started laughing about it. The themes of jokes ran like this:

    Joke themes on One Square Crow:

    • Questionable Odors

    • Don't Touch her Hands

    • Bring Purell™

    • Laundry fears

    • No wonder Lance Armstrong dumped her

Laura Ingraham said it best, Shut Up & Sing Buy the book.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't know where that hand has been!!

Sheryl One Square Crow has bragged on her website that in accosting Karl Rove he told her not to touch him.

In his attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, "Don't touch me." How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow? One Square Crow's Own Account of her accosting Rove

Perhaps Rove knows that she only uses One Square, 2 or 3 on certain occasions. You don't know where her hands have been.. I don't think I would want her to touch me either!!!

Make sure you have lots of if you are in One Square's vicinity.

Do as I say, not as I do -- One Square Crow

The Smoking Gun has been kind enough to give us a glimpse into the requirements of Sheryl "One Square" Crow and her band. Give me this or I don't sing

What we do find is that One Square requires a different type of hard liquor for each day of the week. Bourbon on Mondays, Gin on Tuesdays and Tequila twice a week. She also needs 6 cars, 4 buses, and 3 tractor trailer rigs to move her stuff around. One other requirement for backstage is a number of 20 amp circuits that she doesn't have to share with anyone else.

One Square's carbon footprint is about the size of Godzilla's. But she wants you to stop using so much toilet paper. I didn't notice the amount of toilet paper she requires, but perhaps some venue could make sure she only has 4 squares for the night in her private bathroom as required in her list. At least she requests soap in her list.

Since One Square is so worried about planetary damage why does she use rosewood, Honduran mahogany, and Sitka Spruce in her guitars? Will she stop using these rare and endangered woods?

Sheryl's New Bathroom Line

Sheryl's new accessories for saving the planet. Sometimes you can use more than 1 square.

Michelle Malkin Finds Eco-Sanctimonious Hypocrites

Michelle Malkin noted "One Square" Crow's comments about rationing toilet paper. Lifestyles of the rich and eco-sanctimonious She also noted how the rich and connected aren't quite willing to give up their 2nd and 3rd homes or their private jets and limousines, but they want to save the planet by changing what their cleaning ladies use.

Whether it be the Dave Matthews Band dumping raw sewage from their tour bus, one of Al Gore's houses using the electricity of 5 families, John Edwards living in a house that could hold 10 families the rich and privileged do not want to change their lifestyle. But they do want you and I to stop using toilet paper, driving cars to work and otherwise living so they can feel good about saving the planet.

The list is long but the Eco-sanctimonious, pseudo-green elites are worth watching. If not for the humor, at least for the perspective of how NOT to act.

Ask Sheryl Crow if she washes her hands.

Celebrities blog

At times our self indulgent celebrities like to give us just TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

Sheryl Crow has now told the world that she thinks people should only use one square of toilet paper, except when they need to use two or three for those extra times. One Square's Blog Entry

These self-indulgent, private jet flying spokespeople for today's cause are sometimes a gift we all need. Laughter!

Now for all of you who might wish to shake Sheryl Crow's hand, I suggest you make sure you have Purell™ in your pocket or at least a handi-wipe of some sort. My guess is she doesn't waste water after she uses her one square (two or three when needed) and heaven forbid she might waste energy heating water to wash her hands too.

Ewww!! TMI..

Remember your Purell™ when you are near One Square Crow!